Nationwide Response Illuminates the Packaging Problem

People from across the country agree that the paper packaging industry needs reform.
It’s just not right and we can do better than generating 300 pounds of packaging waste per person each year.We generate so much waste that 32% of the entire domestic waste stream consists of containers and packaging.
We know that everyone feels frustrated by the packaging problem and we have heard from hundreds of you with great rants and cool new suggestions.
Check out a few of our favorite ones and don’t forget to Take the Pledge and contribute some comments of your own.
The public is fed up with over-packaging. Here are a few responses to our pledge:
• It is pretty idiotic to produce tons of packaging material that all ends up being tossed out again. At least all the materials should be recycled but a huge amount could and should be eliminated all together.
• I have always been flabbergasted by the size and shapes of boxes for the tiniest things! All that packaging waste!
• We need to streamline our paper packaging! There is way too much wasted paper in the world already!
• Does packaging need to be so excessive in manufactured goods? I think not. Any packaging should be more reusable or recyclable. When procuring trees for paper products, special care should be taken, not to destroy endangered forests.
• It's ridiculous how wasteful most packaging is! It is time for big changes.
Working together, we will educate the public and the marketplace about the negative environmental impact to Southern forests caused by “business as usual” packaging. We will tell companies that yes they can make changes to protect Southern forests and the rich biodiversity, clean water, clean air, and climate protection these forests provide for us all.
Join the fun: Take the Pledge!