On the road highlighting the fast food industry’s packaging problem…
We are on the road again. This time, traveling through Dogwood Alliance’s
coastal focal areas to do a series of presentations, highlight the packaging
problem’s impacts in this area and meet some of the local community groups also
working to protect majestic Southern forests.
After driving through torrential thunderstorms, we pulled
into Wilmington, NC for a presentation at the library
downtown. Wilmington is a beautiful town, and we’ve met
some amazing people here, and it’s only day 1!
The presentation at the library went smoothly, with good representation
from local environmental organizations like the Surfriders Foundation Cape Fear
Chapter and the NC Coastal Land Trust. Everyone
is doing such great work and we are excited to be here.
Tomorrow we are gearing up for a tour of the Green Swamp,
one of the top ten ecoregions in North America
in number of species of trees, plants, and wildlife. It’s also one of the top ten endangered areas in N. America because of industrial logging–Internationl Paper operates a huge packaging mill 24 hours a day not far from here. Be sure to check back in to see some photos of
the Green Swamp and why it’s so important to protect. Afterwards, we’ll do a presentation for the
Friends of the Green Swamp in Whiteville,
‘Till tomorrow,
Eva, Scot, and Andrew