Another amazing day in the forests of the South. Today we awoke in Norfolk, VA to head to Franklin
where the IP paper mill is. This is one of the biggest packaging mills in the world. I’m starting to notice a trend—beautiful forests surrounding the biggest packaging mills in the country. The Franklin mill is no exception to that observation. We followed a truck piled to the brim with logs into the Franklin mill—not a pretty sight at all. We did some exploring and were on our way.
In the afternoon we headed to the Great Dismal Swamp. 111,000 acres of historical phenomena and
unique ecosystem. I had no idea that Harriet Beecher Stow wrote a book called Dred, which is a historical tale of slavery and politics taking place in the Great Dismal Swamp. Of course I bought the book, and it’ll be quite a hefty read. I’ll be sure to blog about it when I’m done!
The swamp was amazing, although it was the first time all week that Scot and I were conquered by nature. It’s a good feeling. Next time, we’ll go a couple of weeks earlier in the year. Despite the head and humidity the beauty was so alluring we made it a mile or so in before we had to turn around!
In the evening we headed back to Norfolk for our presentation at the Ernie Morgan Environmental
Action Center. It was a great presentation, Scot Q and I have definitely hit a stride on this
trip and it’s great to be able to tie in all of the amazing places we’ve been over the last week or so which we’re working to protect. To be able to talk to people about the forests that are in the backyards and share our strategy for protecting these beautiful areas. It was our last presentation, and
we rocked it.It’s easy to do after being so inspired and with such a clear vision of how our work is so effective and critical.
One more day on the road, then heading the US Social Forum in Atlanta!
From the swamp,
Eva H.