What an incredible Kick-Off Meeting we had here in Norfolk.
Annie and I are thrilled, excited, and inspired by the student leaders of the Norfolk Chapter of Dogwood Alliance. Forty-five people turned out to learn more about the campaign and how to get involved. Our guest speaker, Professor Sussman of Old Dominion University did a great job emphasizing why it is SO important for people to become active and enable change in our world, whether it be in our electoral politics, or pressuring fast-food companies to stop supporting the clear-cutting of our forests for hamburger wrappers and coke cups.
We broke up into three groups so that folks would focus, strategize and plan how we can make the biggest impact in Norfolk- and the juices were flowing! So many ideas to engage as many people as possible and make a huge splash. There is no doubt in our minds that the passion and drive to protect our forests will continue on here in Virginia.