As the old adage says, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and these photos tell the real story of the impact of industrial logging in the Green Swamp in Eastern NC.
The pictures are courtesy of Logan Mock-Bunting, a professional photographer from southeastern North Carolina. He trekked out to the Green Swamp on an early weekend morning and was able to capture both the beauty and the destruction taking place in that region to feed the never-ending demand of the paper industry.
The beautiful photos were primarily taken at The Nature Conservancy’s Green Swamp Preserve in the heart of the swamp where you can find longleaf pine, Venus flytraps, pitcher plants, and a wide variety of amazing wildlife and plants. This preserve is thankfully off limits to logging. The photos of destruction are from an active logging job in the northern region of the swamp that show the process of cutting down trees in a wet and swampy environment and the destruction that is left behind.
I hope you enjoy them and if you do please take a moment to share them with your friends on facebook, twitter, or via email.
The Heart of the Green Swamp

Forests Destroyed for Paper