Colonel Harlan Sanders, the iconic founder of KFC led a long and storied life. Currently, the slick marketing department at KFC is cashing in on his memory with, a new website where they are collecting stories, photos and videos from people who had the opportunity to meet him.
We have a feeling that if he were alive today, he would be disappointed that his face is on millions of chicken buckets that come from clearcut forests in his beloved home region, the Southern US. So we put on our thinking caps and decided to mock up a few parody photos of our own to tell the whole story.
Over the next month we will be releasing these photos on our blog, Facebook and Twitter with captions that we think would match what’s happening in the photos. We would love it if you would post captions of your own by commenting on the pictures on our blog and Facebook, and share these photos with your friends. You might even consider grabbing the photo and making it your profile picture for a day or two, or posting it on KFC’s wall.
Here is the first photo and story from Wilma Tunn, a nice little old southern lady from Southeastern North Carolina:

“My papa met with the Colonel to help him choose a good location for getting the paper he needed for his chicken buckets. I rode along with him and Mr. Sanders to the swamps in eastern Carolina and thankfully brought our family camera. I got this photo while papa was telling the Colonel not to worry about this swamp cause it would grow back and that this would be the perfect place to get his buckets. I wish my papa had known that cutting down all those trees and ditching and draining that swamp would be so devastating. Ah to be back in simpler times again. If the Colonel were alive today, I imagine he wouldn’t want his buckets from anything but recycled paper after seeing what happened to those beautiful swamps.”
Have fun with this one! Let’s send KFC the message that all jokes aside, forest destruction is serious business!
Given how indifferent KFC seems to have been towards the call to end gratuitous cruelty in the industrial-scale raising of cheap poultry, it hardly surprises me that they are not responding positively or rapidly to the calls to use their purchasing power to discourage unsustainable harvesting of forest products.
Aw, hell, let them eat pulp!