Greetings from the Louisiana Bayou

We’ve had several productive days here in the deep south. From touring the beautiful swamps with ally Dean Wilson to visiting a 150,000 ton Enviva Pellet facility located right on the boarder of the De Soto National Forest, we’ve had an opportunity to experience the full spectrum of the biomass issue in Louisiana.
Yesterday, we presented to a group of Louisiana allies, which included representatives from the Gulf Restoration Network, Sierra Club, Lower Mississippi Riverkeepers, SouthWings, Louisiana Environmental Action Network, and Atchafalaya BasinKeeper. Our top priority for the meeting was for these groups to jump completely on-board with the Our Forests Aren’t Fuel Campaign and to get excited about being our eyes and ears in Louisiana.
I’m happy to report that this was a success, highlighted by a comment from Cindy Sarthou, Executive Director for the Gulf Restoration Network:
“This is great. Now, how can we be the most helpful. Sounds like you need people down here to generate the story.”
Yes! I’m very excited for us to work with these organizations and individuals to challenge our corporate targets and help tell the story from the bayou.

Next up is a fly-over with SouthWings. We’ll be viewing Drax pellet-container domes, construction of a pellet facility and current clearcuts in Louisiana. After the flight, we’re headed back out with Dean Wilson to tour clearcuts from the ground.
Hi Scot, do you by chance have any data on what percentage of “forests being cut for fuel” timber is actually going towards fuel pellets. My limited, personal observations have been that some of the pulpwood from both thinnings and clearcuts along with branches previously discarded, were sent off for fuel pellets. Everything larger than the 6 inch pulpwood sized stuff (in my small world) was sent off for traditional lumber, railroad cross ties, ect markets. thanks.
Dave… annual production of wood pellets is now up around 3 million tons per year with projections reaching as high as a 12 million ton per year level. To hit those numbers you need to double to 6 million and 24 million tons respectively to accurately show green wood becoming dried wood pellets. From our experience in the field we are seeing trees up to 25 inches in diameter going to pellet mills and most much greater in size than 6 inches. I will keep my eye out for numbers from forest service or other agencies that show exact numbers and post them when they come across my desk.