Take action to save Hofmann forest!
Hofmann, for those who don’t know, is the largest single tract of state-owned land in North Carolina, and it has been operated for the benefit of NC State University for 80 years. The tract is critical for clean water (3 rivers flow out of its boundaries) and wildlife habitat connectivity (it links Croatan National Forest to other wildlife refuges to the north and south).
But now the University is trying to sell the property to an agri-businessman from Illinois, Jerry Walker, and Walker has leaked his plans to destroy 50,000+ acres of the forest to make way for cornfields and golf courses! The primary beneficiary of the plan to sell Hofmann Forest to a corn farmer appears to be the hog farming industry, which is desperate for cheaper grains to feed millions of pigs.
With help from you and your friends and a broad range of partner groups, we can make it loud and clear that destroying Hofmann Forest isn’t going to happen on our watch. Instead of selling the forest, the University administrators should show some actual leadership and find ways to use this world-class facility to its full potential as an outdoor classroom for forestry, wildlife conservation, and ecological restoration. The land should be re-opened to the public, so we can all enjoy this huge tract of state-owned land.