Today Dogwood Alliance is proud to join with 120 organizations around the world to introduce the Environmental Paper Network’s (EPN) new Global Paper Vision.
As a founding member of the EPN, Dogwood Alliance is proud to endorse this important vision for a more responsible forest products industry and to stand with our colleagues from the environmental movement across the world.

The signatories of the Vision are NGO member organizations of the Environmental Paper Network, including longtime Dogwood friends and partners like NRDC, ForestEthics and the Rainforest Action Network who have all helped us in moving the marketplace to more sustainable products, securing improved forestry practices by the world’s largest paper companies and accelerating the transformation of the entire industry over the past decade.
This blueprint for change addresses the priorities for social responsibility and environmental conservation in response to a projected doubling of global paper consumption in the next thirty years and the industry’s influence on biodiversity, forest health, global warming, air and water quality, and local communities. Dogwood has long relied on the EPN and the Global Paper Vision as a core resource in our own Paper Campaign to transform the paper industry here in the US South wherein we’ve secured commitments from some of the largest paper producers and consumers in the world, including Staples, McDonalds, Georgia-Pacific and International Paper.
The new Global Paper Vision identifies seven common goals among the organizations that are key objectives for change: reducing consumption; maximizing recycled content; ensuring social responsibility; sourcing fiber responsibly; reducing greenhouse gas emissions; ensuring clean production; and ensuring transparency. In fact, look for us to build off some of these goals moving forward as we continue our own Paper Campaign.
Longtime friend of Dogwood, Joshua Martin, the Director of the Environmental Paper Network says,
“The Global Paper Vision is the unification of an influential global movement. From today forward, we are all going to be asking at every level, all over the world, ‘What’s in your paper?’ and challenging the industry and consumers to commit to ambitious and bold actions that protect people and the planet.”
Thanks to Joshua and EPN, and a big thanks to Dogwood’s members and supporters. It’s an exciting time when we can join with these environmental champions to launch this new and important global vision. Please help us achieve this change by showing your support:
- Sign the pledge to be part of the solutions:
- Share a message on Facebook/Twitter today using the tag #whatsinyourpaper such as: One ordinary product, one extraordinary way to protect air, water, forests, climate and communities. #WhatsInYourPaper
- Choose to buy responsibly sourced paper products and choose to do business with companies that do also.