Help us welcome Tyson Miller, our new Program Director to Dogwood!
Tyson Miller is no rookie when it comes to fighting for change. For the past 20 years, he ran SEE Innovation, an environmental organization creating effective programs. Tyson helped to create the anthology, Dream of a Nation, that chronicles the success models in environmental education. The book is in 30 thousand schools and reaching countless students each day.
Tyson’s work at SEE Innovation with the Green Press Initiative to focus on paper and forest issues has a lot of overlap with Dogwood’s mission, so he saw this opportunity at Dogwood as room to grow.

As Program Director, Tyson will be supporting the ongoing successes and the people leading them, mapping what the programs might look like 20 years from now and interfacing with communications and media.
Tyson’s biggest strength is his big picture thinking, which matches up perfectly with longterm strategic planning Dogwood is undergoing.
He says,
“Dogwood is thinking about what needs to happen in 20 years, about how we can advance meaningful large-scale forest conservation into the
future. I’m excited to work with great people and advance meaningful, impactful change over the next six months and the next 20 years.”
Tyson moved to Asheville eight years ago. He says,
“My wife and I have two boys. We like to get out and hike a lot – go up into Black Balsam Wilderness. We love getting in water and
waterfalls. My sons are 14 and 10 and so that keeps me on my toes. We like mountain biking and getting outside as much as possible. I also like playing music a bit.”