Dogwood Alliance is excited to announce that this month Adam Macon will be stepping into the role of Program Director.
Adam joined Dogwood Alliance in 2014 as the Our Forests Aren’t Fuel Campaign Director. Since that time he has successfully elevated the campaign to international prominence, and has been instrumental in supporting the development of an international and domestic network pushing back against a growing biomass industry. Adam and his team have also stopped wood pellet mills in the South and biomass power plants in Europe from being built.
A leading spokesperson for Dogwood Alliance and the Our Forests Aren’t Fuel Campaign, Adam has been featured in media around the world, including on the BBC, French TV, Zembla (the 60 Minutes of the Netherlands), CCTV, and various other regional, national and international media outlets.
Born and raised in coal country of Eastern Kentucky, Adam has always had a passion for organizing people and fighting the corporations whose practices destroy our earth. We’re proud to say that he officially began his career in activism as an intern for Dogwood Alliance, where we helped launch the Dogwood’s campaign against unsustainable fast food paper packaging. Over the past 10 years, Adam has worked with several organizations across the country to fight coal plants, protect our public water systems and build the sharing economy.
Beginning this month, Adam will be directing all of Dogwood’s programs including the Wetland Forests Initiative, Forests & Climate work, the Paper Campaign, and continued involvement in the Our Forests Aren’t Fuel Campaign.
Adam is replacing Tyson Miller, who is stepping down from the position in order to launch his own consulting business in August. He has been an amazing member of the Dogwood Alliance team who spearheaded the launch the Wetland Forest Initiative, helped grow the capacity of the organization, and played a key role in our forests and climate work.
Tyson will remain a close member of the Dogwood Alliance family, and support the organization on our Forests & Climate work, fundraising, and supply chain engagement with the paper industry, as an adviser. Tyson can be reached at his personal email – [email protected].
Click here to contact Adam and wish him well, or give input on our work!