Next week, Georgia forest lovers will join other environmentalists from across the state as they descend on the Capitol to support various bills and resolutions to protect our environment. This call to action is in response to Conservation Day at the Capitol, a project organized by our friends at the Georgia Water Coalition which brings in people from all around the state like Brunswick, Savannah, Athens, Albany, and Columbus.

This year Dogwood Alliance has active Stand4Forests resolutions in both chambers of the Georgia General Assembly.
SR 108 was introduced in 2019 by Senator Lester Jackson, and HR 930 was introduced this year by Representative Carl Guilliard. They have been assigned to the Natural Resources and Environment committee in their respective chambers.
Both lead sponsors are from coastal Georgia, which is prone to hurricanes and sea level rise. They recognize the dangers of climate change and the crucial role forests play in climate protection. These environmental champions have been joined by multiple co-sponsors in a bipartisan effort to get the state on a path toward climate protection and environmental justice.
Now, it’s up to all of us to help ensure they get a hearing and a vote in the committees!

We’ll be kicking off Stand4Forests Week at the Capitol this Sunday, 2/23, where we’ll share our Conservation Day plan and other actions you can take throughout the week to help make that happen. Speakers will include Rep. Becky Evans and Mayor Ted Terry, sharing pointers on how to be an effective citizen advocate, and Georgia ForestWatch Executive Director, Jess Riddle, with some important news on the national front.
Be sure to RSVP and join our Georgia State Coordinator, Vicki Weeks, and these great speakers at the #Stand4Forests GA Week kick off party.
There you’ll pick up advocacy power tips, meet new forest lovers, and enjoy some tasty bites from the Georgia Beer Garden. It’s happening this Sunday, 3-5PM.