FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 3rd, 12:01am EST Groups across the US South launch multi-state plan to conserve, restore, and improve wetland forests Wetland Forest Initiative unveils a 5-year roadmap that […]

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 3rd, 12:01am EST Groups across the US South launch multi-state plan to conserve, restore, and improve wetland forests Wetland Forest Initiative unveils a 5-year roadmap that […]
Wetland forests in the US are our communities’ best protection from the worst impacts of climate change like increased flooding, drought, and degradation of our water quality. But the Trump […]
Our wetlands are one of the best safeguards against natural disasters. They help us cope with extreme weather events. They ensure communities are resilient and can bounce back from disasters. […]
You can’t put a price tag on clean air and water, protection from storms and flooding, or the way you feel when you’re in a wetland forest. But we knew […]