Dogwood Alliance strongly supports the findings of this report as an important solution to the climate crisis. As an organization working to protect the forests of the Southern US, we continue to seek positive solutions for our forests and for the climate and following some of the simple steps set forth in this report will help us achieve that goal. In addition to recommendations on zero waste strategies, incinerator bans and extended producer responsibility, as part of our work to solve the packaging problem, we strongly support the following recommendation:
UN CBD Fails to Protect Forests from GE Trees
Under heavy pressure from Brazil, Canada, Colombia, New Zealand and Australia, the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Ninth Conference of the Parties (COP-9) failed to pass a moratorium on the release of genetically engineered trees into the environment despite support for a global ban endorsed by hundreds of organizations around the world, and the unified efforts to stop GE trees carried out by NGOs, Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations, scientists and foresters present at the COP.
Call for GE Trees Ban
UN called on for Genetically Engineered Tree Ban FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 27 MAY 2008 Activists Symbolically Cut Trees to Save Forests and Call for GE Trees Ban Bonn, Germany-A large […]

Dogwood Alliance at IP meeting
Dogwood Alliance speaks out in support of shareholder resolution on sustainable forestry and challenges to become an environmental leader at company's annual general meeting in New York!