Welcome Tyson, Our New Program Director

Tyson Miller is no rookie when it comes to fighting for change. For the past 20 years, he ran SEE Innovation, an environmental organization creating effective programs. Tyson helped to create the anthology, Dream of a Nation, that chronicles the success models in environmental education. The book is in 30 thousand schools and reaching countless students each day.

Welcome Shannon, Dogwood’s New Advancement Director

Shannon Barrett is the new Advancement Director at Dogwood Alliance. “One of the things that really attracted me to the position is the thoughtfulness that’s gone into planning where Dogwood goes next,” she explains, adding that it is a very exciting time for Dogwood because the organization is poised to go to the next level.

Wood Pellets…The New Coal

You know you’ve effectively gotten the attention of the media when they ask you to speak on a panel about your campaign at the Society of Environmental Journalists annual conference. On September 7th, I hopped a plane to New Orleans to debate Seth Ginther, the Executive Director of the US Industrial Wood Pellet Association, in front of a roomful of journalists. Over the last few of years, coal burning power plants have been converted to burn wood pellets as a supposedly clean and renewable energy source.

Welcome Emily, Dogwood’s New Campaign Organizer

Emily was looking to work for an organization with a proven track record of strategic successes against corporations that cause the most environmental damages, and Dogwood was the natural choice. Emily was excited to apply, and now work for, a place so dedicated to environmental and corporate responsibility. Now she is Dogwood’s Campaign Organizer for the Our Forests Aren’t Fuel campaign.

Dogwood Says Goodbye and Hello

Dogwood Board Chair, Steve Kallan, introduces himself while bidding farewell to outgoing board members and welcoming new board members.