Crosspost: Statement from the Action Against ArborGen

On September 25, 2015, activists from the Stop GE Trees Campaign held a demonstration and action at ArborGen’s global headquarters in South Carolina. ArborGen is attempting to genetically engineer multiple species of trees including the loblolly pine which could have detrimental impacts on biodiversity, community health and even potentially private property rights in the Southern US. Two activists were arrested attempting to inform ArborGen of the over quarter of a million people that have signed petitions opposing GE Trees. You can read the statement of the two brave activists below.

Biomass 101

Big money corporations are extracting our natural resources in the South, making millions at the expense of hard working Southerners with no lasting benefits to those of us who call this region home…

Drax Pulls Plug on Controversial Facility

This morning, Drax (LSE: DRX), one of the largest utilities in the UK, announced that it was pulling out of a plan to build a new coal burning power plant that would co-fire wood pellets and utilize untested Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology. The conservation community welcomed the news that they hoped would mean the end of the controversial White Rose Project.