My SOS Tour Internship and Betina

Intern Guest Post by Julianna Martinez This summer, I hoped to learn how a nonprofit organization helps bridge the gap between the input of local people and that of elected […]

Dayna Reggero: SOS Forests Tour

Cross Posted with permission from DAYNA REGGERO’S BLOG. dogwood alliance sos forests tour I recently traveled to Florida to meet up with the Dogwood Alliance in Panama City. On the […]

Dogwood Alliance Statement on the Clean Power Plan

We applaud the important first step to regulate carbon in the US and highlight the loopholes that could be bad for our forests urging the EPA and states to clarify and move away from burning toward a future that embraces protecting forests as the best defense against climate change.

Sasha Mitchell Saves The Day!

Sasha Mitchell is Dogwood’s new Operations Coordinator! What does that mean? It means that our well-oiled machine is only as well-oiled as Sasha keeps it, and in the mere few months that Sasha has been with us, our machine is running better than ever!