Happy World Wetlands Day

Today, February 2nd is World Wetlands Day. At Dogwood Alliance, we’re taking today to specially recognize the beauty and value of our wetland forests. On this day in particular, we want to share the wonder of wetlands with all our friends and partners. Though many consider wetlands to be uninhabitable swamps, in truth, they are the beating heart of many vital ecosystems. They are biodiverse havens for countless species of animals and plants. They filter our water and air. They protect us from floods. They are homes to many Southern communities.

Highland Brewing Company Going Solar!

Highland Brewing Company is going solar! The company recently released the news that they will be switching over to solar power as a source of energy on sunny days. The company’s […]

Outrage Over US Secret Approval of GE Trees

Groups from around the world today joined together to denounce the US government for allowing the first genetically engineered tree, a loblolly pine, to be legalized with no government or public oversight, with no assessment of their risks to the public or the environment, and without regard to overwhelming public opposition to GE trees.

Plantations are not forests

Welcome Shannon, Dogwood’s New Advancement Director

Shannon Barrett is the new Advancement Director at Dogwood Alliance. “One of the things that really attracted me to the position is the thoughtfulness that’s gone into planning where Dogwood goes next,” she explains, adding that it is a very exciting time for Dogwood because the organization is poised to go to the next level.

Meet the Greencorps Team Working for Forest Protection in the Southeast

Dogwood Alliance is excited to announce the addition of 3 Greencorps organizers to our team! This month, John Qua, Rita Frost, and Katya English joined the Dogwood team to help stop the expansion of the biomass industry and to save our Southern forests. They will be working in key biomass export cities: Wilmington, Savannah, and Baton Rouge. They join our team at a crucial time as the biomass industry gears up to expand, threatening some of our most biodiverse wetland and bottomland hardwood coastal forests.