Dogwood Alliance staff member Andrew Goldberg has been selected as a 2014 Kinship Conservation Fellow, one of only 16 environmentalists chosen from around the world. As a Kinship Fellow, From June 29 to July 30, the 2014 cohort of Fellows will take part in an exceptional learning community that prepares them to successfully implement innovative strategies in the field.
Sustainable Forestry at Columbia Forest Products
When Dogwood Alliance staff and interns visit Columbia Forest Products mill, where partner Jim Sitts showed the group how the company incorporates sustainability, FSC and the Carbon Canopy Project into its lumber practices.
Dogwood Alliance and The Global Paper Vision
As a founding member of the EPN, Dogwood Alliance is proud to endorse this important vision for a more responsible forest products industry and to stand with our colleagues from the environmental movement across the world.
US South is Still the Leading Region for Pulp and Paper
Georgia Tech’s Center for Paper Business and Industry Studies has recently released their enhanced Paper Mills Online database. The data once again shows the US South is by far heart of the US industry.
Groups Call to Reject Genetically Engineered Eucalyptus Trees
A letter has been issued by Brazilian and Latin American organizations to urge the Brazilian Biosafety Commission to deny approval of for the commercial release of its genetically engineered eucalyptus trees in Brazil.