September 21st is the International Day of Action against Plantations

Dogwood Alliance is proud to join the World Rainforest Movement and countless groups around the globe by taking part in the International Day of Action against Plantations. Natural forests in Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, China, Indonesia, and the Southern US are under threat from the big agribusiness, the global pulp and paper industry, and increasingly wood burning utilities that look at forests as a commodity to increase corporate profit rather than for the vital role they play as home to indigenous people, wildlife habitat, protecting the world against climate change, and so much more.

Enviva Investigation: Intimidation in Ahoskie

Last week Dogwood Campaign Organizer Tom Llewellyn continued the Our Forest Aren’t Fuel campaign’s investigation with a trip up to Ahoskie, NC to gather more evidence at Enviva’s flagship wood pellet mill. What he found was a lack of transparency and intimidation.