Dogwood Celebrates

With our recent victory on the IP paper campaign and the Our Forests Aren’t Fuel campaign launch, we wanted to spread the word, connect with long-time and potential supporters, and just plain celebrate. Kind and generous Dogwood fans hosted gatherings, parties, and events for us in the South, inviting their friends, families, colleagues, and other environmentalists to join in the fun!

LEED Building Standards Under Attack in North Carolina

Overall LEED is an important tool for improving buildings because of its forward-looking position on forests, energy efficiency and chemicals of concerns. Now this successful private, voluntary, system is under attack by lobbyists from old-guard forest products companies including Weyerhaeuser in North Carolina and others around the country…

The Smoking Gun

Today, Dogwood Alliance and our long-time partner, Natural Resources Defense Council, launched Our Forests Aren’t Fuel, a campaign to stop the large-scale burning of trees for electricity. It’s no coincidence […]