Drax AGM Targeted over Biomass Conversion Plans

Demonstrators outside the annual general meeting of Drax Plc organized by Biofuelwatch are chanting “Drax Drax, what do you say? How many trees have you killed today?” and holding banners reading “Big Biomass: Fuelling Deforestation, Land-grabbing and Climate Disaster”, “Big Biomass is Greenwash not Renewable Energy” and “Drax the Destroyer!”

Danna’s Inside Scoop on the IP Victory

Decade-long Campaign to Protect Southern Forests Motivates World’s Biggest Paper Company to Leap Forward. Today marks a pinnacle moment in Dogwood’s campaign to protect Southern forests from the impacts of industrial forestry for paper production.

Tell the USDA NO WAY on Genetically Engineered Trees

Tell the USDA that GE freeze-tolerant eucalyptus plantations pose an unprecedented threat to forests and wildlife in the US and around the world. Tell them to reject ArborGen’s request to commercially sell billions of GE eucalyptus trees.