A statement on the EPA’s decision to take more time to study biogenic carbon from our friends at Stop Spewing Carbon…
Dogwood Alliance
Our Forests. Our Strength.
A statement on the EPA’s decision to take more time to study biogenic carbon from our friends at Stop Spewing Carbon…
Our 2010 highlights should bring you some holiday cheer…
Yum! Brands releases its 2010 CSR report with lots of pomp and little substance…
Yesterday, a broad based coalition of environmental and conservation organizations representing millions of people in the US submitted a letter to KFC asking the company to end its support for the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) paper certification scheme. The letter is in response to a recent initiative announced by KFC that promotes its paper packaging as green because it is certified by the SFI.
KFC called on to drop misleading SFI label…