Our friends at various groups around the country fighting wood-burning biomass facilities took to the halls of Congress today to lobby for the end of unjust subsidies for biomass… Anti-Biomass […]
Lawsuit Filed to Stop Release of GE Eucalyptus in the South
An alliance of conservation organizations today sued the U.S. Department of Agriculture over its approval of open-air field tests of a genetically engineered (GE) hybrid of eucalyptus tree across the southern United States. The permit, issued to a company called ArborGen, which is a joint initiative of International Paper, MeadWestvaco and Rubicon, was approved May 12 with minimal environmental review. It authorizes the experimental planting and flowering of a new, genetically engineered hybrid on 28 secret sites across seven southern states — Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Texas.
Lawsuit Filed to Stop Release of GE Eucalyptus in the South
Dogwood Alliance joins the Sierra Club, Global Justice Ecology Project and other organizations in a lawsuit to stop the release of GE eucalyptus in the South… An alliance of conservation […]
Sustaining Our Defense Against Climate Change
Dogwood Alliance releases Sustaining our Defense report detailing the importance of Southern Forests in the fight against climate change. We all know that forests are vital in the fight against […]
Sustaining Our Defense press release
Announcing the release of “Sustaining Our Defense,” a new report implicating paper industry, led by in forest destruction, worsening the climate crisis… For Immediate Release: June 30, 2010 Contact: Scot […]