Dogwood Alliance shares thoughts from the US Social Forum in Detroit… Last week, Lindsey and Scot along with our friends at Bountiful Cities joined over 30,000 people at […]
Reflections on Our Southern Forests
A beautiful piece by Dogwood Alliance boardmember Ginger Dollar reflecting on our Southern forests and why they need to be protected… My family is about as southern as one can […]
KFC Needs to Do Its Fair Share for Forests
Andrew attended the KFC shareholder meeting to tell them to stop destroying our forests. Watch how it went! Last week I attended the KFC shareholder meeting in Louisville, KY directly […]
My 10 Years with Dogwood
Board Member Robyn Williams Heeks on why she supports Dogwood. Ten years ago, almost to the day, I first learned about Dogwood Alliance. At the time, they were lone […]
USDA Approves Release of GMO Trees in the South
Yesterday the USDA’s Animal Plant Health Inspection Service issued its decision to approve the mass-release of over a quarter of a million GE eucalyptus trees across seven states in the U.S. South (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia and South Carolina), despite overwhelming public opposition.