Part two in a five week series exposing as the South and the world’s biggest forest destroyer… Last week we took a closer look at ’s impact on the forests […]
Former Foes Team Up to Protect Forests & Fight Climate Change
Staples, Conservation Groups, Wood Products Companies and Landowners Join to Protect Forests and Combat Climate Change
Diverse Stakeholders Work to Build Credibility Within US Forest Carbon Market
Will Create Incentives to Protect, Restore and Conserve Forests While Providing Sources of Paper and Wood Products from Forests Managed to a High Environmental Standard
Dogwood Alliance Launches Carbon Canopy
Announcing Our Newest Initiative – The Carbon Canopy
Dogwood Alliance and One Time Foes Join Together to Protect Forests & Fight Climate Change

Teaming Up with Former Foes to Protect Forests & Fight Climate Change
Today we launched a brand new initiative to protect Southern forests and fight climate change. Dogwood Alliance, Staples, Conservation Groups, Wood Products Companies and Landowners Join to Protect Forests and […]
Spotlight on IP – 25 Paper and Packaging Mills in the US Chewing Up Our Forests…
This is the first in a five week series exposing International Paper as the South’s biggest forest destroyer…