Implementation may not be the sexiest work Dogwood Alliance does. It goes on behind the scenes with lots of phone calls, meetings and data. Every company is different and sometimes the process is frustrating. But ultimately, implementation is where the rubber hits the road.Otherwise, the agreements we worked so hard to achieve would result in little, if any, on-the-ground change.
Note From a Virginia Ecologist
These forests are not only economically important to me; I depend on them for my own peace of mind… As an ecology PhD student at Old Dominion University, I depend heavily on […]

A Leap Forward –Environmental Organizations Help Paper Company Become Better Steward of Southern Forests
On February 29, 2008, Dogwood Alliance released a report, “Southern Forests & Bowater, Inc.: Progress Report July 2006 – July 2007,” detailing the leap forward Bowater (now AbitibiBowater) made in honoring its commitment to improve forestry practices in the Southern US and in protecting forests of ecological significance on the Cumberland Plateau of Eastern Kentucky, Central Tennessee and Northern Alabama. The report does not address concerns with AbitibiBowater’s forest practices in the Canadian Boreal forest.
Old Growth in Missouri Needs Your Help
Our friends at the Gracey Foundation in Missouri need your help… The Maple Woods nature preserve in Clay County Missouri (Northeast of Kansas City) is under heavy development pressure […]

The Green Skinny On Office Supply Companies…
Ad in USA Today Gives The Green Skinny On Office Supply Companies… These days when every major corporation claims to be environmentally responsible, with office supply companies we […]