Welcome All Our New Dogwood Staff Members

2015 is already an exciting year for Dogwood Alliance! To protect the most forests through strong and efficient work, we’ve added a few new faces to the team. Please welcome…

Is Hofmann Forest Safe?

North Carolina’s Hofmann Forest, the largest tract of protected land in the state, was recently offered a reprieve from a pending sale. NC State University Forestry Professor, Fred Cubbage, gives us his opinion here about the failed sale and what it means for Hofmann forest going forward.

Tackling Forest Management Certification and Industry in Atlanta

Last week, Andrew presented at the GreenBlue Value Innovation Work Session on Forest Certification. The event focused on the changing needs in the certified forest products industry and identified the most valuable elements of forest certification while elevating strategies to deliver that value to forest products companies and large customers.

Dutch Biomass Agreement Aims High But Misses the Mark

After 2 years of negotiations, Dutch NGO’s and Utility Companies agreed on a biomass policy for wood pellets currently burned for electricity. We in the Southern states know all too well that the drastic increase and scale of demand for wood pellets, driven by countries such as the Netherlands, have had devastating effects on forests and communities. Biomass policies from European countries must be more aggressive with timelines for adequate sustainability standards; our forests depend on it.