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Shrink! The Madness of Paper Consumption

…than 200kg, much of which is completely unnecessary. Americans use even more: almost 300kg each, which is six times the world average. The launch of a new website highlights…

Dogwood Intern does grassroots organizing!

…will convince companies to change their ways and adopt environmentally friendly policies. Thanks! Mollie Petersen For more information, visit the Dogwood Alliance and the No Free Refills Campaign. Enjoy these…

Trees in a Ton

…pledge. Shrink is a new collaboration of over 50 different European NGOs addressing the problem of over-consumption as it relates to paper.   For further information see:,,…

Make a `Shrink’ Pledge on Paper

…Vision can be accessed on A complementary network with its own vision in North America is the Environmental Paper Network, (3) Europe’s overall ecological footprint is 2.2 times…