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Comments Keep Rolling in on the KFC Campaign

A choice sampling of some of the great feedback we have been receiving on our KFC campaign… keep it coming! Calling KFC’s moral commitment into question “I do have compassion…

Spelling Out Our Demands on KFC

…in the future.” – The above statement is from KFC’s own website. KFC talks a lot about environmental responsibility, as well as heritage and community, and we agree with…

Sustaining Our Defense press release

Announcing the release of “Sustaining Our Defense,” a new report implicating paper industry, led by in forest destruction, worsening the climate crisis… For Immediate Release: June 30, 2010 Contact: Scot…

Reflections on Our Southern Forests

…in forest destruction. We need your help. Please go to this website,, to learn what you can do to help change KFC’s practice of using packaging that comes directly…