…MS children play in the shadow of the Drax Amite facility. This is not okay. This is poisoning in plain sight. Drax was fined a record-breaking $2.5 million for air…
Search Results for "Drax"
Does Enviva Clearcut Forests? The Surprising Truth
…the simple answer is: Yes. Enviva, Drax, and other wood pellet manufacturers ALL use wood from clearcut forests. Let’s break down where wood pellet production facilities get their wood. We’ll…
How Bioenergy Causes Air Pollution: The Dark Side of Renewable Energy
…above. It also releases carbon dioxide, a potent greenhouse gas that fossil fuels also produce. You can see this outdoor air pollution in pictures of the Drax power station. You…
Why is a Japanese Delegation Visiting Rural Mississippi?
…stomach issues. Drax’s presence has caused nothing but trouble for our community. Gloster neighborhood children play in front of Drax Amite biomass facility What is bioenergy? You ask what bioenergy…
Release: The Nature Conservancy Exposed for Promoting Industrial Logging and Wood Products
…Drax – in a collaborative that seeks to influence government policy. “While The Nature Conservancy is helping drive federal subsidies to expand wood markets, companies like Enviva and Drax are…