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A Big Step for Wetland Forests

…that the organizations and individuals from different backgrounds and points of view had an open mindset and were willing to listen to one another and collaborate in order to build…

Wetlands & Interconnection

…and especially wetland forests, are the “filters” of our natural systems and secure fresh drinking water for surrounding and downstream communities. They provide critical protection from dangerous flooding in vulnerable…

Fighting Climate Change with Forests

…technological advice, and, most importantly, serve as a working group to fulfil the Paris Climate Agreement of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. For an organization like Dogwood Alliance,…

Campaigns Manager, Rita Frost, at the UN Climate Change Conference to #Stand4Forests

Pruitt Needs a History Lesson

…carbon neutral. Despite the fact that the scientific community disagrees, Pruitt took an action that could open the floodgates to new forest destroying biomass utilities to come online across the…