How Can Peatlands Fight Climate Change?

What comes to mind when you think of beautiful forests? Probably not peat swamps or bogs. Most forests are crucial in exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide. In peatlands, it plays […]

5 Songbirds of the Southeast to Listen For

People around the world celebrate the first Sunday in May as Dawn Chorus Day. It’s a day to set aside time to listen to nature’s sweetest symphony: birdsong. But you […]

How To Attract Birds: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for ways to attract birds to your garden or backyard? You’ve come to the right place! In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn how to create the perfect […]

Why Dead Trees Matter More Than You Think

Dead trees, also known as deadwood or snags, may seem like a blight on the landscape. People may consider them eyesores or hazards to remove. But in reality, dead trees […]