Biomass is sometimes called bioenergy, wood pellets, woody biomass, and more. Biomass means burning wood and other organic materials to produce energy in power plants. Governments incentivize biomass production and […]

Biomass is sometimes called bioenergy, wood pellets, woody biomass, and more. Biomass means burning wood and other organic materials to produce energy in power plants. Governments incentivize biomass production and […]
Guest Post By Spencer Moyle, Climate Impacts Stanback Fellow 2023. Have you ever wondered about Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)? Have you heard that it may hinder the […]
Dead trees, also known as deadwood or snags, may seem like a blight on the landscape. People may consider them eyesores or hazards to remove. But in reality, dead trees […]
A Costly Mistake: New NRDC report shows how much Europe funds destruction of Southern forests for biomass Many will say fighting climate change is expensive. Calculating the cost of inaction, […]
Carbon Capture and Storage Pilot Program is a Pricey and Risky Gamble the Planet Can’t Afford On February 7, 2019, Drax Power Station in the UK announced it captured its […]