Stop Thinking of Europe as Climate Leaders

In January of this year, the European Union Parliament’s vote on the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) failed forests by neglecting to rule out the burning of stumps and stemwood […]

Destruction in Disguise

Enviva’s Track and Trace program confirms industrial scale biomass is bad for forests and the climate. Enviva’s “Track and Trace” program, which claims to track every ton of wood that […]

Release: Over 75 Environmental and Community Groups Call on US Senate to Reject Energy Bill Over Dangerous Biomass Provisions

“The message from conservationists and communities across the country is clear, burning wood for electricity is bad for our climate and quality of life,” said Adam Macon from Dogwood Alliance. “The US Senate should stick to the business of protecting the people and environment, not create sweetheart deals for their favorite industries at the expense of the rest of us.”

Could EU Biomass Investigation Signal Relief for Southern Forests?

The European Union (EU) Commission recently announced an investigation into the state aid provided for the world’s largest forest destroyer for electricity, Drax. The taxpayer dollars that the UK is providing Drax to convert to burning Southern US forests for electricity is another example of why this destructive industry is moving us backwards away from a healthy, truly sustainable future.