Guest Blog: The Woods Are My Solace #GivingTuesday

Dogwood Alliance asked me what the forests mean to me. I could have said clean air (because that’s true), I could have said the beautiful views (also true), or that I use the forests for recreational purposes. But, the answer that rang deeply in my being sounded more like solace.

Biomass 101

Big money corporations are extracting our natural resources in the South, making millions at the expense of hard working Southerners with no lasting benefits to those of us who call this region home…

What Does General Mills Addressing Its Climate Impact Mean for Forests?

The issue of forest carbon in corporate supply chains has grown. Food giant General Mills has made a public commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across their entire supply chain by 28%. Because the announcement is from such a large company and for such a significant reduction, the corporate world is on notice.