The Future of Our Forests: An Interview with Jim Furnish

Recently, Dogwood Alliance, Defenders of Wildlife and MountainTrue hosted an event at The Collider in Asheville on the future of our forests. We were so lucky to have Jim Furnish join us for that event. Jim Furnish is the author of Beyond Logging: Toward a Natural Forest a memoir of Jim’s time working for the National Forest Service and time spent as Deputy Chief.

Art! Our Feathered #ForestFriday Friend!

We have had some marvelous #ForestFriday guests so far, but Art is our very first Feathered Forest Friday Friend! We took a trip to the WNC Nature Center to visit this fine fellow.

The Forests Are Alive: Forest Friday

The air felt cold and sharp, and the sky was turning a milky white that blended into the fog, making the mountains vibrant with their red and brown leaves. This was my first time on this trail and my first time meeting Erin, a profound nature appreciator who embodies the practice of that appreciation at every level of her life. Erin also worked at Dogwood Alliance in its early days and created our first newsletter originally called, Understories.

Southern Forests: Our Treasured Legacy to Protect

As the days get hotter, the number of Southerners standing up to protect and fight for forests increases steadily: it’s almost as if unrest is in direct proportion to the degrees on a thermometer. Summertime in the South conjures up images of being sleepy and slow-moving; and yet, the opposition to burning forests for fuel is livelier than ever.

Flashmob at Wood Pellet Biomass Conference