There is a growing need to scale up forest protection. While climate talks have resulted in increased commitments to protect forests in the tropics, the accelerated practice in recent years of burning trees from the US in place of coal to generate electricity has gone under the radar.
Guest Blog: The Woods Are My Solace #GivingTuesday
Dogwood Alliance asked me what the forests mean to me. I could have said clean air (because that’s true), I could have said the beautiful views (also true), or that I use the forests for recreational purposes. But, the answer that rang deeply in my being sounded more like solace.
Urging the EPA to do the Right Thing When it Comes to Forests, Biomass, and the Clean Power Plan
Recently, I provided oral testimony to the EPA on behalf of the Dogwood Alliance and the forests and the communities we serve.
My Community Had a Voice Today
Having a voice and telling my story are important steps in finding an acceptable resolution to the issue of industrial logging in my community. I experienced “that step” in participating in the meeting with a Dutch delegation in Richmond, Virginia early this November. On several occasions now, I have told my story regarding the impacts on my community due to Enviva’s industrial logging in Northampton County, NC and Southampton County, VA.
The 7 Best Things About Terrapin’s Hop Harvest Festival
As this was the 6th-annual Hop Harvest, our Dogwood Alliance team has come to look forward to the party every year. Here are the 7 best things, old and new, about Hop Harvest…