The biomass debate in the Netherlands continues to burn hot. For over two years, people have organized and protested against the country’s largest proposed biomass combustion plant slated to be […]
UK Climate “Ambition” is Clearcutting Climate Resiliency
At the beginning of December, the UK introduced a target to cut carbon emissions by 68% (based on 1990 levels) in the next decade. The government wants to brand its […]
Despite Overwhelming Opposition, SCDHEC Grants Enviva’s Expansion in Greenwood, SC
Despite overwhelming public opposition from local residents, professors, scientists, and environmental advocacy groups, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) has permitted Enviva to expand production at […]
Letter to the Governor of South Carolina
Dear South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster, COVID-19 has now killed more than 200,000 people in the US, and over a quarter of those deaths are Black Americans, in part due […]
Germany must not subsidize a switch from coal to forest biomass
International groups warn that new German subsidies for coal-to biomass conversions could cause damage to forests around the world 25 environmental NGOs from the USA and Estonia sent a letter […]