International groups warn that new German subsidies for coal-to biomass conversions could cause damage to forests around the world 25 environmental NGOs from the USA and Estonia sent a letter […]

International groups warn that new German subsidies for coal-to biomass conversions could cause damage to forests around the world 25 environmental NGOs from the USA and Estonia sent a letter […]
For most of us, especially folks living in the South, we see industrial air and water pollution expanding. We feel the negative health, environmental sustainability, and economic impacts across the […]
As most of you know at this point, our forests are being destroyed to make wood pellets that are shipped to Europe where they are burned for electricity. The Europeans […]
Written by Danna Smith and Reverend Leo Woodberry Enviva, the world’s largest manufacturer of wood pellets for export to Europe has applied for a permit to expand pollution at its […]
-For immediate release, September 30, 2020- As the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) develops the Act on Special Measures Concerning Procurement of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources […]