The forests of the world play a critical role in each breath we take, Each cup of water we drink, our history and our future. So why is our Clean Power Plan issuing a free pass to clearcut and burn American forests?
Dogwood Alliance Statement on the Clean Power Plan
We applaud the important first step to regulate carbon in the US and highlight the loopholes that could be bad for our forests urging the EPA and states to clarify and move away from burning toward a future that embraces protecting forests as the best defense against climate change.
The White House Opposes Legislation That Claims Biomass is Carbon Neutral
The White House has taken the right position regarding the myth of carbon neutrality of burning trees for electricity. Dogwood Alliance is pleased to see the Administration taking a position that is grounded in science and that recognizes the massive threat that a large scale-up in burning trees for electricity represents.
How Europe’s Climate Policies Led to More U.S. Trees Being Cut Down
Soaring demand for woody fuel has led to the construction of more than two dozen pellet factories in the Southeast and special port. European officials promote the trade as part of the fight against climate change. But that claim is increasingly coming under challenge.
US Forest Service Report Justifies Growing Concerns About the Future of Southern Forests
The US Forest Service’s Southern Research Station released a report assessing the current and potential impact of the rapidly expanding wood pellet export market on the forests of the US […]