Southerners are Tired of Clearcuts

Have you ever been to a clearcut? Nothing is left but stumps and silence. Have you ever been to a clearcut BEFORE it was a clearcut? When it was a lively natural forest? With habitat for woodpeckers, bears, cypress trees, salamanders and flowers?

Be Like the Netherlands: Country Hits the Brakes on Biomass

On World Wetlands Day, February 2nd, the Dutch government voted in favor of forest protection over forest destruction and overwhelmingly adopted a resolution to halt dirty biomass subsidies for burning forests in coal-fired power plants. This is great news for our Southern forests and a strong signal that we are winning!

Guest Blog: The Woods Are My Solace #GivingTuesday

Dogwood Alliance asked me what the forests mean to me. I could have said clean air (because that’s true), I could have said the beautiful views (also true), or that I use the forests for recreational purposes. But, the answer that rang deeply in my being sounded more like solace.