My Community Had a Voice Today

Having a voice and telling my story are important steps in finding an acceptable resolution to the issue of industrial logging in my community. I experienced “that step” in participating in the meeting with a Dutch delegation in Richmond, Virginia early this November. On several occasions now, I have told my story regarding the impacts on my community due to Enviva’s industrial logging in Northampton County, NC and Southampton County, VA.

Sasha Mitchell Saves The Day!

Sasha Mitchell is Dogwood’s new Operations Coordinator! What does that mean? It means that our well-oiled machine is only as well-oiled as Sasha keeps it, and in the mere few months that Sasha has been with us, our machine is running better than ever!

Welcome Intern Julianna Martinez

Julianna is most excited to learn about how Dogwood Alliance engages with communities across the Southeastern United States and overseas.