Joint Statement from NAACP, EEECHO (Mississippi), Environmental Integrity Project (EIP), Healthy Gulf, Mississippi State Climate Reality Project, The People’s Justice Council and Dogwood Alliance in response to the Mississippi Department […]

Joint Statement from NAACP, EEECHO (Mississippi), Environmental Integrity Project (EIP), Healthy Gulf, Mississippi State Climate Reality Project, The People’s Justice Council and Dogwood Alliance in response to the Mississippi Department […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 18, 2018 1 pm EDT Study Found that All Wood Pellet Facilities in North and South Carolina Have Been Built in Environmental Justice Designated Communities Asheville, NC […]
Soaring demand for woody fuel has led to the construction of more than two dozen pellet factories in the Southeast and special port. European officials promote the trade as part of the fight against climate change. But that claim is increasingly coming under challenge.