Media Statement in response to the settlement of a lawsuit challenge from clean air groups that forces Enviva’s Richmond County, NC wood pellet factory to install pollution controls: Today, in […]

Media Statement in response to the settlement of a lawsuit challenge from clean air groups that forces Enviva’s Richmond County, NC wood pellet factory to install pollution controls: Today, in […]
To be a champion for communities and the climate, a leader must stand up and make tough decisions when it really matters. But Governor Cooper let our communities and our climate down.
In the face of big money and corporations, Governor Cooper was silent when his constituent’s clean air and clean water was at stake. It’s time that Governor Cooper break the silence. Do you stand for forest destruction and pipelines, or do you stand for innovative solutions that will take our state forward?
On September 26th, representatives from the North Carolina Legislative Black Caucus attended a Listening Panel in Dobbins Heights to hear comments on the proposed Enviva Wood Pellet Facility. Representative Garland […]
Responding to public pressure and signaling progress in a years-long environmental campaign, the European Commission (EC) today took a step toward curtailing the dangerous, continent-wide expansion of burning trees to generate electricity by proposing to remove misguided subsidies for large-scale biomass from its renewable energy policies.
On World Wetlands Day, February 2nd, the Dutch government voted in favor of forest protection over forest destruction and overwhelmingly adopted a resolution to halt dirty biomass subsidies for burning forests in coal-fired power plants. This is great news for our Southern forests and a strong signal that we are winning!