Dogwood Alliance is proud to be a part of the People’s Climate March, joining world leaders in New York City for a United Nations summit on the climate crisis. With our future on the line and the whole world watching, tens of thousands of people from every imaginable background will take to the streets and demand the world we want is within our reach: a world with an economy that works for people and the planet; a world safe from the ravages of climate change; a world with good jobs, clean air and water, and healthy communities. To change everything, we need everyone on board.
Sunday, September 21 in New York City. Join us.

You know how serious climate change can be: rising seas, violent storms, droughts, the list goes on. All too often, these devastating conditions directly impact those who can least afford it. This must stop. Now more than ever, we must take serious action to protect our planet from the worst effects of climate change.
Dogwood Alliance members from across the South will be joining in and raising their voices for one of our most important assets in the fight to protect our planet: Southern forests. Currently, deforestation is the third leading emitter of carbon pollution. This massive problem will only worsen if the biomass industry continues to burn our forests for fuel. Rather than protecting forests and the vital role they play in removing carbon from the atmosphere, companies like Enviva and Drax are razing Southern forests to feed Europe’s appetite for wood pellets. We know that Our Forests Aren’t Fuel. We know that our forests should be valued for the true benefits they provide. We know that without forests our planet wouldn’t make it. We know, and after September 21st, so will the world.
Join us at the people’s climate march.

Sending a strong message of action, not words, to the UN world leaders needs to happen now. Let’s seize this opportunity to make history and change the world for the better.