Dogwood Alliance Supports International Day of Action

Ten years ago, at a meeting of 250 members of communities affected by large-scale eucalyptus plantations in Brazil, September 21st was established as the National Day Against Tree Monocultures. The aim was to increase the visibility of the many peoples and communities struggling against tree monocultures, as a way of breaking the circle of silence around the numerous violations faced by the communities whose territories were surrounded by these monocultures.

Challenge Corporate Power at the People’s Climate March

Dogwood Alliance is proud to be a part of the People’s Climate March, joining world leaders in New York City for a UN summit on the climate crisis. With our future on the line and the whole world watching, tens of thousands of people from every imaginable background will take to the streets and demand the world we want is within our reach.

Drax Loses Major Subsidy Battle in the UK

UK Utility giant Drax, lost its courts battle and was denied a major subsidy to convert a coal unit to biomass. This decision was timed with a new IPCC report that says we need drastic emissions cuts to stave off the worst impacts of climate change…

Ant-biomass Lobby Takes to the Halls of Congress

Our friends at various groups around the country fighting wood-burning biomass facilities took to the halls of Congress today to lobby for the end of unjust subsidies for biomass… Anti-Biomass […]

Hope Springs Eternal at the US Social Forum

  Dogwood Alliance shares thoughts from the US Social Forum in Detroit…   Last week, Lindsey and Scot along with our friends at Bountiful Cities joined over 30,000 people at […]