As this was the 6th-annual Hop Harvest, our Dogwood Alliance team has come to look forward to the party every year. Here are the 7 best things, old and new, about Hop Harvest…
Think Outside: How Mountainspiration is Changing What it Means to be an Apparel Company
Mountaininspiration founder Evans Prater says, “Starting any company is an uphill battle. The internet is a crowded place, and getting people to buy things is always difficult. I know in my heart, though, that if you truly believe in what you’re doing and have a message of peace, light and love, anything is possible.”
Bad News Bears
Black bears all over the Southeastern United States are threatened by an ever-increasing and destructive biomass industry that is converting whole forests into pellets for European electricity. Humans have yet again allowed their greed for profit and cheap fuel to trump species’ need for protected habitat. Take a stand against biomass and join our National Day of Action.
Crosspost: Bioenergy in Europe Threatens North American Wetland Forests
On October 15, 2015, our colleagues at NRDC released a report detailing the potential destructive impact that the wood pellet industry poses to precious bottomland hardwood forests in the Southern US. The following is a blog written by report author Debbie Hammel, outlining the report and concerns along with policy recommendations.
NC Residents Urge DEQ to Hold a Public Hearing on Enviva’s Hamlet Facility
Do your part, and take action today to tell DENR to hold a public hearing! The future of our forests and our health is too important to be determined without public input.