Dogwood Alliance and The Global Paper Vision

As a founding member of the EPN, Dogwood Alliance is proud to endorse this important vision for a more responsible forest products industry and to stand with our colleagues from the environmental movement across the world.

McDonald’s Commits Their Golden Arches to Sustainability

We all know McDonald’s has a long road ahead in becoming a sustainable business – if that is really even possible in any honest sense of the word. In 2013, only 14% of their paper was either certified or recycled, but the company itself has acknowledged that it can and plans to do better.

Connecting Stakeholders with the Land: Carbon Canopy Spring Meeting

June 19th and 20th marked the Spring 2014 meeting for Carbon Canopy, Dogwood Alliance’s forest carbon offsets initiative. Carbon Canopy is an innovative project that incentivizes forest conservation to create lucrative carbon sinks for landowners and valuable offsets for environmentally conscious businesses looking to reduce their footprint. Partners and stakeholders convened to discuss the state of Carbon Canopy’s mission and goals and to refocus the project’s direction.