North Carolina’s destructive wood pellet energy industry expanded rapidly during Governor Cooper’s first term in office. North Carolina now exports more wood pellets overseas to be burned for energy than […]

North Carolina’s destructive wood pellet energy industry expanded rapidly during Governor Cooper’s first term in office. North Carolina now exports more wood pellets overseas to be burned for energy than […]
Despite overwhelming public opposition from local residents, professors, scientists, and environmental advocacy groups, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) has permitted Enviva to expand production at […]
This is a guest blog by Dr. Louise Vet and Dr. Martijn Katan, originally posted in Dutch paper, Trouw, on October 9, 2020. Professor Vet prepares to provide expert testimony […]
Over and over again, destructive polluting industries sweep into rural communities and make sweetheart deals with a few “leading citizens” who help them push tax breaks, subsidies, and rezoning through […]
We are writing to urge the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SC DHEC) to deny any expansion of the wood pellet industry in South Carolina and to […]